Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
Scarborough tenants face eviction for breaching consent order, owe $16,665 in rent arrears.
LTB denies tenant's motion to set aside eviction order, finding tenant breached previous order terms and tenancy was not financially viable.
LTB rules Residential Tenancies Act does not apply to tenant's living accommodation due to shared kitchen with landlord's family.
Former tenants ordered to pay $2,151.63 to Kingston landlords for damages to rental unit.
Former tenants in St. Marys ordered to pay landlord $3,754.47 in rent arrears and fees.
Landlord fails to prove need to evict tenant for major renovations, application dismissed by LTB.
Scarborough tenants face eviction for breaching consent order, owe $16,665 in rent arrears.
LTB denies tenant's motion to set aside eviction order, finding tenant breached previous order terms and tenancy was not financially viable.
LTB rules Residential Tenancies Act does not apply to tenant's living accommodation due to shared kitchen with landlord's family.
Former tenants ordered to pay $2,151.63 to Kingston landlords for damages to rental unit.
Former tenants in St. Marys ordered to pay landlord $3,754.47 in rent arrears and fees.
Landlord fails to prove need to evict tenant for major renovations, application dismissed by LTB.
Scarborough tenants face eviction for breaching consent order, owe $16,665 in rent arrears.
LTB denies tenant's motion to set aside eviction order, finding tenant breached previous order terms and tenancy was not financially viable.
LTB rules Residential Tenancies Act does not apply to tenant's living accommodation due to shared kitchen with landlord's family.
Former tenants ordered to pay $2,151.63 to Kingston landlords for damages to rental unit.
Former tenants in St. Marys ordered to pay landlord $3,754.47 in rent arrears and fees.
Landlord fails to prove need to evict tenant for major renovations, application dismissed by LTB.
Scarborough tenants face eviction for breaching consent order, owe $16,665 in rent arrears.
LTB denies tenant's motion to set aside eviction order, finding tenant breached previous order terms and tenancy was not financially viable.
LTB rules Residential Tenancies Act does not apply to tenant's living accommodation due to shared kitchen with landlord's family.
Former tenants ordered to pay $2,151.63 to Kingston landlords for damages to rental unit.
Former tenants in St. Marys ordered to pay landlord $3,754.47 in rent arrears and fees.
Landlord fails to prove need to evict tenant for major renovations, application dismissed by LTB.
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Landlord Win Rate: 100%
Landlord Win Rate: 70%
Landlord Win Rate: 62.5%
Landlord Win Rate: 75%
Landlord Win Rate: 60%
Landlord Win Rate: 40%
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